自分軸を輝かせよう-by-sayuri/id1405940048?mt=2 Spotify | Email | TuneIn | RSS | More
Hi everyone! When I was talking with my Australian friends and partners, I often feel that some of them don’t have strong Australian accents and they speak neutral English. I asked them why and how they got their neutral accents? How about you? Do you have any preference or opinions about English accents? For my Japanese listeners, I’m sharing some English phrases to use when they are in trouble while traveling on today’s podcast!
オーストラリアのTea Tree Essential Oil, Manuka and Lemon Honey Candy, Propolis and Manuca Candy 受講生のみなさんにもプレゼントとして♡
#1 Emergency 緊急時
<忘れ物> バッグを置き忘れたと気づいて、その場所に戻って尋ねる英語
”Hi, I left my black backpack around here an hour ago. Have you seen something like that around here?”
“My son/daughter is running high fever. What kind of medication should I choose before going to see doctor?”
<咳> 咳が数日続いているけれど、薬を飲みたくない時
“I’ve been coughing for a few days. Is there any herbal candies (lollies) you recommend?”
<怪我> 海・山(など)で怪我をして、ホテルスタッフに一番近い病院(医師)を聞きたい
“I got injured when I was walking in the rainforest. Is there any doctors you recommend? The closest would be nice.”
<紛失> お財布などの貴重品をレストランで紛失し、電話で問い合わせるとき
“Hello, my name is … I think I’ve lost my wallet at your restaurant when I had dinner around 7pm today. I was there from 7 to around 7:30, I think. Will you be able to double check if anything you can find around the window seat(table) next to the big tree, please? It’s a purple long wallet. My ID is inside.)(こんにちは。〜と申しますが、今日7時くらいにそちらのレストランでDinnerをした時に、どうもお財布をなくしたようなんです。7時から7時半くらいまでいました。紫の長財布で、身分証明書も入っているので、何か見つからないか確認していただけますか?)
Healthy leek soup 移動中に喉の痛みを感じたのでネギスープを
#2 Flight フライトのトラブル
“Excuse me, I put my smartphone in the tray before the security screening but it didn’t come through. I need to go now because my boarding time is already past. What can I do? Would you help me, please?
(すみません。手荷物検査のスクリーニングの時に、スマホをトレーに入れたのですが、出てきませんでした。すでに搭乗時間が過ぎていて、もう行かなくてはならないのですが、どうしたらいいでしょう?)→ すぐに対応してもらうことができ、ギリギリフライトに間に合いました!!!
“Excuse me, the boarding time for my flight is already past. Should I still wait in this long queue (line)?
(すみません。搭乗時刻が過ぎているのですが、この長い列で待った方がいいですか?)→ すぐに対応してもらい、別に特別な列を作ってもらったところ、同じように困っていた人たちが流れ込んできました。誰かが声を上げる大切さを感じます。
”I have a feeling that this is a wrong terminal. Do you think my flight leaves from here?”
“Excuse me, I have been waiting for my suitcase at the carousel No7 but it hasn’t come out yet. Am I waiting at the right place or・・・.”
“My suitcase was damaged when I received it from the carousel. Could I fill out a damage claim form?”