🎁Eng&Jpnギフト付🎁【年末年始をベストコンディションで】科学的根拠に基づいた25の「ジャーナリング」プロンプト Part2: Podcast Vol185 Year-End Reflection: Science-based Journaling Prompt 


Welcome to Podcast Vol185: “Stay in Top Shape for the Year-End and New Year!”

We’re sharing scientifically-proven journaling prompts to help you reflect and reset. We have 25 prompts rooted in neuroscience and psychology, designed to inspire self-awareness and actionable steps in your daily life.

Plus, we have a special gift for you! On January 1, 2025, you can download a free New Year Journaling Prompt both in English and Japanese. You can click the link here to download on the very first day in 2025! You will love them! Let’s dive in!

🎧Podcast Vol184 【年末年始をベストコンディションで】
〜Year-End Reflection: Science-based Journaling Prompt

🎧Podcast Vol185 【年末年始をベストコンディションで】
〜Year-End Reflection: Science-based Journaling Prompt



Prompt#3) 心身の健康を振り返る
review mental and physical Health

Q11) What simple moments (unexpectedly) brought you the most joy this year?


Q12) How did you handle stress or anxiety this year?


Q13) What actions to keep or improve your health felt the most meaningful this year?


Q14) Are there any behaviors you feel you need to improve or change to maintain your health?


Q15) When did you feel the need to make an effort to maintain or improve your mental health?

Review Value and time

Q16) What are the top three priorities in your life that you were able to dedicate your time to?


Q17) What actions or decisions were misaligned with your values or priorities?


Q18) What do you need to shed or leave behind from this past year?


Q19) What were your small or big wins this year?


Q20) Were there any goals you were unable to achieve?  What were the reasons that held you back?


Prompt#5) 関係性を振り返る
Review relationships

Q21) What was the most important relationship you built this year, and who was it with?


Q22) How did you contribute to building good relationships with your children, family or partner?


Q23) Were there moments when you felt more effort was needed?


Q24) What positive relationships were you able to build outside your family, such as with colleagues or friends?


Q25)With whom did you feel more effort was needed to improve your relationship?



I hope you find these 25 questions useful! 以上、年末のジャーナリング用プロンプト25個、大切な家族や友人とエピソードをシェアして活用してみてくださいね。今年も、エピソードをお楽しみいただいた皆さんとインスピレーションあふれる時間を過ごせて嬉しかったです!2025年も、皆さんと共に成長し、新しい視点やアイデアを共有できる場を作っていきたいと思います。2025年1月1日には、年末とNew Year用のジャーナリングプロンプトも無料でDLいただくことができます🎁

Have a wonderful start to the New Year🥂


Best wishes to you,