【出版秘話】書籍(ことば)で表現するシンプルな秘訣〜出版社谷口社長をゲストにお迎えして(前半)~Podcast Vol74 How to express yourself when publishing a book

Hi everyone! On my 74th and 75th podcast episodes, I had the privilege interviewing one of the prestigious publishing companies Discover 21’s female CEO Ms Naomi Taniguchi! She has shared her precious insights with us on “how to express y...

【21世紀に必要な16のスキル】新たな教育ヴィジョン(グローバル育児®︎10周年後半)PART2~ PODCAST VOL73 “16 SKILLS” THE STUDENTS NEED FOR 21ST CENTURY!

Hi everyone! Celebrated 10th Global Education project this summer!!! I’ve introduced 16 skills that we’ll need for the 21st century on two separate Podcast episodes!  🎧Podcast Vol 72のエピソードに続いて 【グローバル育児®︎10周年】新たな21世紀の教育ヴィジョンと16のスキル Part1 🎧...

【グローバル育児®︎10周年】21世紀に必要な16のスキルと新たな教育ヴィジョン(前半) Part1~ Podcast Vol72 “16 skills” the students need for 21st Century! 10th Anniversary for our Project!

Hi everyone! We’re celebrating 10th Anniversary for Global Ikuji™️🎉 Thank you all for supporting this project!!! I’ll introduce 16 skills the student will need for 21st Century on Podcast Vol72 and Vol73!!! 皆さんこんにちは!Sayuriです。  読書の秋、食欲の秋、ス...

【本質を見抜く力(6つ目の力)】3つのキーワード「言語力・五感力・EQ力」〜Podcast Vol71 How do you nurture the skill of analyzing info and getting to the point?

Hi everyone! Hope this blog finds you well!!! How’s your country handling Covid-19! We are here under the state of emergency again but I feel so grateful to live in such a beautiful shonan area. 緊急事態宣言の拡大・延長に疲れも出てきているかもしれませんが、 皆さん、お元気ですか? 日本でも少...

【俯瞰視点】鳥の目で問題解決する力を育むための3つの要素~Podcast Vol 70 How to master Bird’s Eyes View to solve any problems!

Hi everyone! Hope all is well with you and enjoyed the Olympic wherever you are. Though we all had to face some difficulties and mixed emotions, it has brought us many inspiring moments. At the same time, we also have to remember a lot of tears behin...

2032年オリンピック・パラリンピックの開催地に決定した「ブリスベン」という街?~ Podcast Vol69 Introducing my 2nd home town “Brisbane” where Olympic and Paralympic will be held in 2032!!!

Congratulations all my friends in Australia!!! Brisbane got chosen to host Olympic and Paralympic in 2032!!! Yay👏 I watched the Olympic soccer as an interpreter in Brisbane in 2000 and am so thrilled to know that we can experience the same excitement...

【15年ぶりに書籍出版】ハッピーママハッピーライフ〜思いっきり子どもと一緒に人生を楽しもう!Podcast Vol68: My book will be republished and preorder starts on Amazon!!

Hi everyone!!! I’m so happy to announce that my book “Happy Mom Happy Life” will be republished as a digital book on July 30th by one of the prestigious publishing companies and you can now pre order on Amazon!!!! Yay!!! I’ve ...


Hi everyone!! I have a question! Can you access enough information on entrepreneurship or how to build a start-up in your country? In Japan, there are not many female entrepreneurs and Ms Fumiko Kato has shared her wisdom and experiences on how she h...

【日本の可能性】女性起業家フロントランナー加藤史子さんのチャレンジ Part1〜Podcast Vol66 How a Japanese female entrepreneur Fumiko Kato started global business in Japan

季節の変わり目、皆さん体調など崩していませんか?  これから職域ワクチンなど、日本でもどれくらいのスピードで進んでいくのか、今年は夏の計画も立てにくいのではないかと思います。  欧米の教育カリキュラムを受けている16歳長男は、すでに2ヶ月間のサマーホリデイが始まっています。 また1学年を無事に終了することができ、仲のいい韓国の友人が、帰国することになったりと、出会いと別れの季節が彼にとっては6月。 多国籍の先生たちとも、チームとして1年を振り返って、また8月末からの新しいグレード(学年)のスター...