【元気になる洋書10冊】子育て・教育編(前半5冊)〜Podcast Vol84 Inspirational English books about parenting and career/business!!!

Hi everyone! We have enjoyed the beautiful Sakura season in April here in Japan! Hope you get to see this in the future next time you visit Japan! On today’s episode and the next episode, I have picked up 10 inspirational English books about pa...

【親子英語コミュニケーションPart1】元気になる5つの英会話フレーズ〜初級・中級編〜Podcast Vol83:5 English phrases to encourage your children at home!

Hi everyone! I have introduced some inspirational words in English and Japanese on the last episode to prepare for starting something new in Spring so you can become brave! On today’s episode, I will introduce some conversation phrases for pare...

【9周年ギフト!勇気が出る10の言葉】チャレンジの春に心を整える〜Podcast Vol 82:10 Inspirational messages during a challenging time ~ For everyone and people in Ukraine

Hi everyone! My heart is broken and it is shocking to see what’s happening around the world. One of my son’s classmates is from Ukraine. They are preparing for fund-raising and my company is preparing for donation! 皆さんこんにちは!お元気ですか?Sayuriで...

【英語VISION③】英検1級2次試験(面接)から学べる5つのコミュニケーションの秘訣~Podcast Vol81:The 5 secrets of what we can learn about communicating in English from Eiken Grade1 interview!

Hi everyone! Today, my podcast features ”The 5 secrets of what we can learn about communicating in English from Eiken Grade1 interview!” Many Japanese are said to be shy and this Eiken Grade interview exam is one of the biggest challenges for u...

【2022年ワークライフバランスVISION②】起業とパートナーシップのバランスを取る方法~Podcast Vol80 How to keep work-life balance between partnership and entrepreneurship?

Hi everyone! I hope you are staying safe and healthy. I’m sharing lots of great energy and love from Mt Fuji. In today’s episode, I’m answering a question from one of the young Japanese female listeners. She asks me about how to kee...

【2022年VISION】3つのエネルギーを整えて、新しい未来を創造しよう!~Podcast Vol79:Align your 3 types of your energy with your vision and create your future!

Happy new year everyone! Hope you’ve had a great start! I couldn’t walk for a month last year and I’ve found out that I had socliosis and hernia at the same time! I didn’t even realize I’ve had socliosis since I was youn...

【ブレイクスルーを体験した方の共通の秘訣&今年の漢字】Podcast Vol78:What is the secret for experiencing BREAKTHROUGH!?

【年末年始お休みのお知らせ】 グローバル育児®︎10周年システム改善のため、少し長めの年末年始のお休みをいただきます🙏 2021年1月11日よりオフィスはOPENいたします!お休み中にいただいたお申込みや、お問い合わせは、1月11日よりご対応させていただきます。 Thank you for spending time with Sayurisense Inc in 2021. We’ll start our office from Jan 11th 2022 next year! W...

【生きるということ②災害時の声のかけ方】3.11の大津波で命を救い、世界の100人に選ばれた日本人医師からのメッセージ〜PODCAST VOL77:Message from a doctor who survive the Tohoku Tsunami and was chose as “The TIME 100! The most influential people”

Dr Kanno survived the Tohoku 3.11 Tsunami and saved and lost many patients at the same time. He got chosen as the Most Influential 100 People by TIME in 2011! On Podcast episode Vol 77, he has shared very valuable messages and wisdom on how to prepar...

【生きるということ】3.11の大津波で命を救い、世界の100人に選ばれた日本人医師からのメッセージ〜Podcast Vol76 :Doctor who survived the Tohoku Tsunami and was chosen as “TIME 100! The Most Influential People”

Dr Kanno survived the Tohoku 3.11 Tsunami and saved and lost many patients at the same time. He got chosen as the Most Influential 100 People by TIME in 2011! On Podcast episode Vol 76, he has shared very valuable messages and wisdom on how to prepar...