【ポジティブ心理学】レジリアンスを「自分の価値観」を使って育む方法 〜Podcast Vol58: “Positive Psychology” how to nurture RESILIENCE by recognizing your values?

I hope everyone’s safe and healthy! February Podcast theme is “Self-care” and today’s topic is “Positive Psychology! How to nurture RESILIENCE by recognizing your values?”. In this rapidly changing world, “re...

【チョコギフト💝言葉(音)の可能性】セルフトークで感情をセルフケア ~Podcast Vol57Self-care (Self-love) with Self-talk feat. the power of words and voice”

Happy Valentine’s Week💜 Hope you are all well and having a loving week before Valentine’s Day! On the latest podcast episode, I talk about “Self-care (Self-love) with Self-talk feat. the potential of words and voice”. Hope you...

【音の可能性】音楽の道(進路)を切り拓く ~Podcast Vol56 The potential of music and sound. How to create music career?

Hi everyone! Hope you’ve started a loving and safe Valentine’s month! This month, I would like to feature the theme “Self-love and music” to take care of yourself and your loved ones! On today’s episode, I interviewed my...

【ビジョン実現2021Part2】Q&Aヴィジョン実現がうまくいかない時には・・・? ~ Podcast Vol55 What can you do when your vision is not going well?

Hi everyone! I hope you take care of yourself and your loved ones during this pandemic and stay healthy mentally and physically!!! On my latest podcast, I introduced two questions from my listeners and answers. The questions are “how can I alig...

【ビジョン実現2021】感情を整えて、ブロックを外して夢を叶える3つの秘訣 ~Podcast Vol54 How to release your emotional block and manifest your dreaming vision?

Happy new year 2021!!! Hope you all had a peaceful new year! 穏やかに、新しい一年を迎えることはできましたか?  家族と過ごしたり、ゆっくりする時間は取れましたか? 私も、5日間のデジタルデトックスをおこなって 心も体も元気に、そして頭がクリアになりました!  医療従事者や社会のインフラを年末年始も守ってくださっていた皆さんに 感謝の気持ちが溢れてきました。  これからも、皆さん一緒に感染対策を気をつけながら、 しっかりと自分のいる場所...

【2020年ラスト】子育てとキャリアの狭間で~Podcast Vol53 Between career and parenting

Thank you so much everyone for being a part of our journey to shine each person’s identity in 2020!!! Each one of you means so much to us!!! We truly appreciate your participation and kindness!!! 2020 has been unusual for most of us but we hope...

【English 意外な未来?!】これから必須の教育は?シンギュラリティーはいつくるの?Podcast Vol52: What kind of education is important for children? Will Singularity really happen

Hello my English speaking friends!! I hope you are all safe wherever you are and hope you find today’s episode useful because this episode includes something very unexpected and insightful interviews in both English and Japanese. Hope you enjoy...

【English 日本人に必須の力】 起業家マインドの育て方と、起業する本当の意味~Podcast Vol51: How to nurture entrepreneurship and how to make a good impact?~Guest AI Specialist Tom Kehler from Silicon Valley

  Hi everyone! In Japan, it’s getting colder each day but I receive summer greeting pictures with Santa Claus from my friends in Australia!!! Hope you are all well and enjoy today’s podcast again featuring an AI specialist Tom Kehler...

【English シリコンバレーのAIスペシャリト】Mr Tom Kehlerさんをゲストに迎えて、未来を準備する10の質問と回答~Podcast Vol 50:AI specialist Tom Keheler in Silicon Valley teachers us how to prepare for the next 10 years

Hi everyone! I’m excited to share today’s Podcast Vol50 with you! I have a special guest from Silicon Valley who is an AI specialist and CEO of an AI company CrowdSmart, Mr Tom Kehler today on my podcast!!! Yay!!! He has shared his great ...