【Eng&Jpn】プロが選ぶQueenslandで訪れたい10の秘境スポットPart1 〜心も身体も豊かに(ケアンズ・ブリスベン・ゴールドコースト)~Podcast Vol179: Qld Tourism Japan Director shares hidden gems in Queensland

Hi everyone! I’m thrilled to introduce a very special guest today and discuss one of my all-time favorite topics, ‘the stunning beauty of Queensland’. Having spent five amazing years in Brisbane during my university days, and return...

デジタル時代の親子コミュニケーション4つのメソッドPart2(大人気博士から学ぶデジタルデトックス):Podcast Vol178 How to talk with your kids about digital detox!

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to the show! I’m Sayuri. In the last episode, we started exploring how to live wisely in this digital age, discussing digital detox and creating healthy boundaries—especially when guiding our kids. Navigating scree...

保護中: 【Junior英語VIP】Speaking力をアップ!〜初めて会う人との会話・学校の面談 Questions例


デジタル時代の親子コミュニケーション4つのメソッドPart1(大人気博士から学ぶデジタルデトックス):Podcast Vol177 How to talk with your kids about digital detox!

Hi everyone! Welcome to my show again! I have a question for you: Have you every felt like you or someone else close to you cannot put down their smartphone or stay off social media? I know I’ve found it challenging myself, and it became especi...

海外の大学レベルの英語力(IELTS6.5以上)が必ず育まれる3つのポイント~Podcast Vol176: How to reach the life-changing level of English proficiency

Hello, and welcome to another episode! Looking back on your life, what was your breakthrough moment or the experience that truly made a difference? For me, mastering English was life-changing! At 16 or 17, my English was limited—I couldn’t even commu...

【子供の英語マスターやる気UP】コミュニケーション10のチェックリスト(後半)Podcast Vol175: 10 communication tips to boost your children’s motivation for English!

Hi everyone! Welcome back to another episode. Today, we’re diving into another great topic: 10 communication tips to boost your children’s motivation!  This time, we’ll be focusing specifically on parenting tips to help improve your...

【子供のモチベーションがUP】コミュニケーション10のチェックリスト(前半)Podcast Vol174: 10 communication tips to boost your children’s motivation!

Welcome back to another episode, everyone! The weather’s been unpredictable with all these temperature swings. Personally, I’ve been using Manuka honey, tea tree oil, and some secret bath salt that I bought in Australia to reduce tirednes...

英語力をスピーディーにアップさせる極上のステップ(初級〜英検準1級まで)※体験談付〜Podcast Vol173: How to level up your English quickly!

Learning another language is like becoming another person. By Murakami Haruki 村上春樹の言葉 「言語を学ぶということは、新しい自分と出会うようなものです」 Welcome to another episode! Today, we are diving into how to level up your English quickly- and in an enjoyable way. Whether you̵...

【全英語レベルに】世界が魅了されるミュージカル「ウィキッド」の楽しみ方〜オーストラリア便りPart7: Podcast Vol172: Musical “Wicked”

Welcome to another episode! Today, we’re diving into how you can enjoy the magic of “Wicked” – both the musical and its story – while improving your English at the same time. I recently watched the musical in Melbourne f...