保護中: 【Junior英語コース】ホリディの過ごし方シークレットアイディア💡


【1分間でワンランク上の英語雑談力を】英検を題材に英語スピーキング力をUP〜Podcast Vol156: Improve English speaking with the power of small talks!

Hi everyone! We are starting the second half of this year!!! I hope today’s episode will make you smile and improve the quality of your life! Let’s have a beautiful time together! 皆さん、こんにちは!今年も後半がスタートしましたね!梅雨のジメジメしたお天気が、体調に影響していませんか?体を労わり...

【英検からクラッシーな表現力へアップグレード】丁寧に、相手と異なる意見を提案するクラッシーなフレーズ ~ Podcast Vol155 Classy English phrases when you have different opinions.

Hi everyone! “Communication skills” are one of the most important tools we can keep improving for any success! Our Japanese education focuses on the collective whereas western education puts more focus on the individual. So today’s ...

海外の友人と豊かな人間関係を築くための3つの英語キーワード~Podcast Vol154 How to keep the great relationship with your friends in English!?

The rainy season has come or is about to come in Japan! We enjoy being quiet at home like reading books, watching movies and listening to music. There’s so much you can do online these days while you are at home. How’s the weather like in...

【英語4技能】スピーキング力アップの秘訣~Podcast Vol153 How to improve your speaking?

Hi everyone! June is my favorite Lavender season and that’s my brand color as well! How are you everyone? As for me, I need to tell you my secret. My husband and I totally forget our 20th wedding anniversary this month! It happens when you are ...

【モチベーションUP】本来の能力を引き出してくれる世界のリーダーの言葉~Podcast Vol152 Inspirational words that pull out your true potential

Hi everyone! Here in Japan, we’ve started a new semester and a new term at schools and companies in April. So sometimes people tend to start feeling tired when they are getting used to the new environment. Also we are about to reach the halfway...

【10代で英語脳を】ほめ方と注意の秘訣「脳が育つコミュニケーション」(思春期編③)Podcast Vo151: 5 effective communication ways with teenagers?

Hi everyone! I hope you are having a great time no matter where you are! I am in this global community where people around the world support each other and I don’t even know where they live! We start communicating then I know ‘oh she live...

【10代の脳】リラックスして自己肯定感を育むためのコミュニケーション「5つの知識」(思春期編②)〜Podcast Vol150:What are the 5 critical communication tips for parenting adolescent children

Hi everyone! I introduced one of the stories about parenting adolescent children last time. I got many messages from parents and educators and some of them are leaders and CEOs. No matter what you do or where you live, we go through the same experien...

【 English Book】思春期編①心に響いた子育てのロールモデルのストーリー〜悪いことをしてしまった時はどうしたらいい?Podcast Vol149 Recommended books on parenting adolescent children

Hi everyone! Today’s topic is very big! I’ve been running my company for more than 10 years. (This year is the 11th year.) I started talking about global education and global identity about 13-14 years ago. That means many of my podcast l...