【ポジティブ心理学】幸せ力(14)今を味わう行動リスト・NGリスト 〜PODCAST VOL128 “POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY” Savoring the present moment.

Hi everyone! In the today’s well-being series, I talked about how we can savor this moment. After I myself learned this idea, I have realized how much I was putting my energy into the past and the future wondering if I did something in a right ...

【ポジティブ心理学】幸せ力(13)幸せが持続する感謝〜Podcast Vol127 “POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY” Gratitude that makes your happiness last for a long time!

Hi everyone, I’ve been focusing on the series of Well-being and Positive Psychology recently. Today’s focus is “Gratitude”!!! Everyone has tough or challenging times no matter how big or small they are. Even through those time...

【ポジティブ心理学】幸せ力(12)幸せな人とのつながり/共有 〜PODCAST VOL126 “POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY” Healthy Social Connection

Hi today’s theme is about “Social Connection” which affects the well-being of your life! I really value the healthy relationship with my family and the friendship both in Japan and in Australia which I really believe has a tremendou...

【ポジティブ心理学(豊かな時間と英語力UPの時間)】幸せ力(11)心身の健康のための習慣:5つ目は「豊かな時間」〜PODCAST VOL125 “POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY” 5 HABITS WHICH CAN BOOST YOUR HAPPINESS. #5 Time Affluence

Hi everyone🥂 I hope you are staying warm since the temperature has dropped dramatically over the past week. I feel so grateful that I was able to celebrate my older son’s 19th birthday with my family this year again! How fast time flies! I miss...

【ポジティブ心理学】幸せ力⑩心身の健康のための5つの習慣4つ目は「優しさ」〜PODCAST VOL124 “POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY” 5 HABITS WHICH CAN BOOST YOUR HAPPINESS. #4 Compassion&kindness!

Hi, today I’ll be talking about compassion. Being compassion can actually make yourself happy and boost your well-being! こんにちは、Sayuriです。世界には学術記事、科学的根拠のあるデータ、そして、世界トップクラスのオピニオンリーダーたちが発信する書籍や情報に瞬時にアクセスできる時代。日本語に訳されていない情報もたくさんありますので、サユリセンスでは大切だなと感...

【ポジティブ心理学】幸せ力⑨データで証明された心身の健康のための5つの習慣3つ目は「マインドリセット」PODCAST VOL123“POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY” 5 HABITS WHICH CAN BOOST YOUR HAPPINESS. #3 Reset your Mind!!

皆さん、Sayuriです。過ごしやすい秋の気候を、満喫できていますか? 私自身、母の古希のバースデーパーティーをしたり、受講生の目標達成のお祝いをしたり、ミーティングのお食事など、公私共に直接会って交流できる機会が増えていて、秋晴れのこの季節に感謝です! Well-beingシリーズ、今回のエピソードは、「アイデンティティー(時間軸・空間軸の中心)」にもリンクする、「マインドリセット」という大切なテーマです。 🎧Podcast Vol123 【ポジティブ心理学】 幸せ力⑨ 幸せがブーストする5つ...

【ポジティブ心理学⑧】幸せがブーストする5つのヘルシーな習慣:2つ目は「睡眠」~PODCAST VOL122 “POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY” 5 HABITS WHICH CAN BOOST YOUR HAPPINESS. #2 Sleep!

Hi everyone! Today’s habit for well-being is SLEEP! Do you have a good sleep every day? Do you have any tips for creating comfortable sleeping environment? Let’s talk about it! みなさん、こんにちは!Sayuriです。今日は、 🎧Podcast Vol122 【ポジティブ心理学】 幸せ力⑧ 幸せがブ...

【ポジティブ心理学⑦】幸せがブーストする5つのヘルシーな習慣:1つ目は「運動」~Podcast Vol121 “Positive Psychology” 5 habits which can boost your happiness. #1 Exercise!

Hi everyone! How was your long weekend! We have finally started feeling a bit of autumn breeze these days. We consider this season is very good for learning something new, reading books, exercise and enjoying seasonal food! Today I’ll be introd...

【ポジティブ心理学】幸せ力⑥成績・学力(能力)が伸びる考え方は?~ Podcast Vol120 “Positive Psychology” What kind of Mind-set can improve your/your children’s academic ability?

Hi everyone! This is the 6th episode of our Well-being series and today’s focus is “Growth Mind-set”! How can you improve the level of your achievement? Which mind-set will help you success? How can you raise your children to be abl...