💝English 奨学金特典付💝Part2クィーンズランド州立大学のゲスト「キャ...
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1年を振り返る、とっておきの秘訣〜2025年を輝かせるために Podcast V...
💝English 奨学金特典付💝Part2クィーンズランド州立大学のゲスト「キャンパスライフ&留学成功のアドバイス」〜Podcast Vol169: Campus life at The University of Queensland (There...
Welcome to another episode about The University of Queensland! I'm Sayuri. I hope you will enjoy the English and Japanese bilingual version about the campus life in Brisbane! This second episode is so much fun! Mr. Tom Lo from UQ and I will share our own experiences when we were studying there ...
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We are truly looking forward to delivering the world class in...
【Podcast&Youtube TOTAL 460,000DL🙏🎧Podcast Lists 番組全テーマリスト🎶】Podcast Vol1シリコンバレー特集1:Impression of Silicon Valley~(~Vol200のテーマリスト)
Sayurisense Sayuriがお送りするPodcast番組 "Who you are makes the world a better place !!"「世界に自分軸を輝かせよう...
🎁Eng&Jpnギフト付🎁【年末年始をベストコンディションで】科学的根拠に基づいた25の「ジャーナリング」プロンプト Part1: Podcast Vl184 Year-End Reflection: Science-based Journaling Prompt
Hello everyone! 🎧 Welcome to Podcast Vol.184: "Stay in Top Shape for the Year-End and New Year!"
Today, we’re sharing scientifically-proven journaling prompts to help you reflect and reset. Building on our previous episode about the pineal gland, we’ll explore prompts rooted in neurosci...
【世界でも実践!1年を締めくくるための秘訣は、松果体にある?】来年可能性を開花できるためのレジリエンス② Podcast Vol183: Activate pineal gland to promote deep sleep.
Hi everyone! As we approach the end of the year, let’s talk about how to finish it strong and set ourselves up for success in the year ahead. In this episode, we’ll focus on the pineal gland, the part of the brain responsible for producing melatonin. By activating the pineal gland, we can promote de...
【潜在能力を解き放つ①】「レジリエンス」をマスターして新しい自分の可能性を開花〜Podcast Vol182: ”Unlocking your potential①” : The power of resilience for...
Hi everyone! Today, as we wrap up 2024, I want to focus on one powerful word that can help unlock your potential. My hope is that today’s episode will inspire you and set the stage for your success in 2025!
Let’s dive into the word "resilience"—a concept with profound meaning and incred...
1年を振り返る、とっておきの秘訣〜2025年を輝かせるために Podcast Vol181: December reflections: Review your year and thrive in...
Hi everyone! Can you believe it’s already December? As we approach the end of the year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on how we’ve spent the past 12 months and prepare for the new year ahead. Revisiting the resolutions we set at the beginning of the year can give us valuable insight...
【Eng&Jpn】プロが選ぶQueenslandでお勧めの10の秘境スポット&グルメPart2〜心も身体も豊かに(ケアンズ・ブリスベン・ゴールドコースト)~Podcast Vol180: Qld Tourism Japan Director shares hidden gems and restaurants...
Welcome to another exciting episode🌟 Today, we’re diving back into the hidden gems of Queensland, featuring must-visit islands and top restaurant choices around the Gold Coast and Brisbane. Our special guest Mr. Paul Summers from Tourism & Events Queensland reveals exclusive tips a...
【Eng&Jpn】プロが選ぶQueenslandで訪れたい10の秘境スポットPart1 〜心も身体も豊かに(ケアンズ・ブリスベン・ゴールドコースト)~Podcast Vol179: Qld Tourism Japan Director shares hidden gems in...
Hi everyone! I'm thrilled to introduce a very special guest today and discuss one of my all-time favorite topics, 'the stunning beauty of Queensland'. Having spent five amazing years in Brisbane during my university days, and returning to Australia every Japanese summer for nearly...
デジタル時代の親子コミュニケーション4つのメソッドPart2(大人気博士から学ぶデジタルデトックス):Podcast Vol178 How to talk with your kids about digital detox!
Hello, everyone! Welcome back to the show! I'm Sayuri. In the last episode, we started exploring how to live wisely in this digital age, discussing digital detox and creating healthy boundaries—especially when guiding our kids. Navigating screen time is a challenge even for us adults, but t...
保護中: 【Junior英語VIP】Speaking力をアップ!〜初めて会う人との会話・学校の面談 Questions例
Junior英語を受講中の皆様が、自分らしさを英語で自然と表現できるようになるために、以下の質問リストに答えられるようにサポートしています💚 とてもシンプルな質問ですが、一方的ではなく、お互いが会話のキャッチボールを楽しみながら、心と心が通い合うようなコミュニケーションができるようになるためには、トレーニングが必要です。ポイントは、伝えたいことを何度も練習して、テンプレートのストックを洗練させていくことです。親子がこのポイントと理解していることで、日常生活自体が英語の上達の現場となり、魅力的なコミュニケーション力を育むことができます。ぜひ、ご家庭やプライベートの会話を意識しながら、親子...
デジタル時代の親子コミュニケーション4つのメソッドPart1(大人気博士から学ぶデジタルデトックス):Podcast Vol177 How to talk with your kids about digital detox!
Hi everyone! Welcome to my show again! I have a question for you: Have you every felt like you or someone else close to you cannot put down their smartphone or stay off social media? I know I've found it challenging myself, and it became especially important when my older son was preparing for ...
海外の大学レベルの英語力(IELTS6.5以上)が必ず育まれる3つのポイント~Podcast Vol176: How to reach the life-changing level of English proficiency
Hello, and welcome to another episode! Looking back on your life, what was your breakthrough moment or the experience that truly made a difference? For me, mastering English was life-changing! At 16 or 17, my English was limited—I couldn’t even communicate well with my Malaysian homestay sisters. Bu...
【子供の英語マスターやる気UP】コミュニケーション10のチェックリスト(後半)Podcast Vol175: 10 communication tips to boost your children’s motivation for...
Hi everyone! Welcome back to another episode. Today, we're diving into another great topic: 10 communication tips to boost your children's motivation! This time, we'll be focusing specifically on parenting tips to help improve your children's English skills.
【子供のモチベーションがUP】コミュニケーション10のチェックリスト(前半)Podcast Vol174: 10 communication tips to boost your children’s motivation!
Welcome back to another episode, everyone! The weather's been unpredictable with all these temperature swings. Personally, I've been using Manuka honey, tea tree oil, and some secret bath salt that I bought in Australia to reduce tiredness and stress to prepare for winter. I hope you a...