💝English 奨学金特典付💝Part2クィーンズランド州立大学のゲスト「キャ...
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保護中: 【JUNIOR英語コースLEVEL2向け音声】365 DAY 英会話フレーズリスト&ヴォイス後半(7〜12ヶ月目分)
Hi everyone!
Juniorコース Level 2を受講中、受講済みの皆さん、ご家庭での英会話はいかがですか?
【オーストラリア便り】事前準備Part1:現地の宿泊・通信・VISA・保険の手配について〜Podcast Vol90 How to prepare your happy holidays with your children...
Hi everyone! Happy Summer holidays!!!
I'm in Australia with my sons now. It's been 5 years since our last visit. It took 24 hours to get to Melbourne this time due to all the delays of domestic flights. We had to go via Cairns and Sydney.
The rainy weather even made us so tired b...
保護中: 【Junior English】中学校文法(動詞・形容詞・関係代名詞・現在完了など)をネイティブのようにマスター
Grammar1 不規則動詞
通常の動詞の過去形は、study- studied- studiedのように、"ed"をつける場合が多いのですが、不規則動詞は、以下のように動詞が変化します。
不規則動詞 Irregular verbs (1)
Exciting/ Excitedの使い方
日本人が間違いやすい文法 形容詞 exc...
【目標達成②英語コミュニティケーションをデザインする3つのシークレット】2022年後半の準備をしよう!〜Podcast Vol89 Design your communication and get ready for the second...
Hello everyone! I hope you are all well and safe no matter where you are in the world.
Today, I will be talking about how to design your communication to achieve your vision in the next half of 2022!
【目標達成①英語力】2022年前半を振り返って、後半の準備をしよう!〜Podcast Vol88:Review the first half of your 2022 and get ready...
Hi everyone! I hope you are having a relaxing time during this rainy season. On today's episode, I will be talking about how to review the first half of 2022 and achieve your goal in the last half, especially your English goal!
【多国籍イベントを成功させる5つの秘訣】Podcast Vol87: 価値観(宗教・文化・言語・食習慣)の違いを超えて〜how to make multicultural events or meetings successful!!!
前回の「Podcast Vol86環境とワイナリー」のエピソードで、ご感想を送ってくださった皆様ありがとうございます!
🎁人と地球を大切にするワイナリーからシャルドネをプレゼント🎁グローバルシティズンとして私たちができること~Podcast Vol86 The leading winery in Sonoma where the workplace is...
Hi everyone! We are giving away 6 "chardonnay"s for the listeners, the readers and the students!!! Hope you enjoy this episode about the beautiful winery in Sonoma, USA with Chardonnay!!! 皆さん、こんにちは! Sayuriです。5月新緑の季節、いかがお過ごしですか?
【元気になる洋書10冊】キャリア・ビジネス編(後半5冊)〜Podcast Vol85 Inspirational English books about parenting and career/business!!!
Hi everyone, on the last and this episodes, I have picked up 10 inspirational English books about parenting and career/ business!!! Hope you will benefit from both my courses and the books to thrive!!!
【元気になる洋書10冊】子育て・教育編(前半5冊)〜Podcast Vol84 Inspirational English books about parenting and career/business!!!
Hi everyone! We have enjoyed the beautiful Sakura season in April here in Japan! Hope you get to see this in the future next time you visit Japan! On today's episode and the next episode, I have picked up 10 inspirational English books about parenting and career/ business, some of which have no...
【親子英語コミュニケーションPart1】元気になる5つの英会話フレーズ〜初級・中級編〜Podcast Vol83:5 English phrases to encourage your children at home!
Hi everyone! I have introduced some inspirational words in English and Japanese on the last episode to prepare for starting something new in Spring so you can become brave! On today's episode, I will introduce some conversation phrases for parents to encourage children!
【9周年ギフト!勇気が出る10の言葉】チャレンジの春に心を整える〜Podcast Vol 82:10 Inspirational messages during a challenging time ~ For...
Hi everyone! My heart is broken and it is shocking to see what's happening around the world. One of my son's classmates is from Ukraine. They are preparing for fund-raising and my company is preparing for donation!
~Published Audio Book in Aud...
【英語VISION③】英検1級2次試験(面接)から学べる5つのコミュニケーションの秘訣~Podcast Vol81:The 5 secrets of what we can learn about...
Hi everyone! Today, my podcast features ”The 5 secrets of what we can learn about communicating in English from Eiken Grade1 interview!" Many Japanese are said to be shy and this Eiken Grade interview exam is one of the biggest challenges for us! I will discuss what we can do in our daily lives...