💝English 奨学金特典付💝Part2クィーンズランド州立大学のゲスト「キャ...
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英語力をスピーディーにアップさせる極上のステップ(初級〜英検準1級まで)※体験談付〜Podcast Vol173: How to level up your English quickly!
Learning another language is like becoming another person.
By Murakami Haruki
Welcome to another episode! Today, we are diving into how to level up your English quickly- and in an enjoyable way. Whether you're just starting out or looking to sharpen ...
【全英語レベルに】世界が魅了されるミュージカル「ウィキッド」の楽しみ方〜オーストラリア便りPart7: Podcast Vol172: Musical “Wicked”
Welcome to another episode! Today, we're diving into how you can enjoy the magic of "Wicked" - both the musical and its story - while improving your English at the same time. I recently watched the musical in Melbourne for the first time, and it was unforgettable experience. I'll...
【奇跡が起こる】手つかずの自然が残る美しい砂島「オーストラリア・ストラドブローク島」〜Podcast Vol171: Miracle Stradbroke Island
Welcome to another exciting and healing episode! Today, I'll take you to one of Australia's most breathtaking beaches and islands that I explored with my boys. Plus, I'll share my top tips for creating the ultimate beach getaway. With so many stunning spots to choose from, picking jus...
【幸せな脳】5分で理解「本物のドーパミン VS 偽物のドーパミン」の違い~Podcast Vol170: Real dopamine vs Fake dopamine
Hello, and welcome to another episode! I'm your host, Sayuri. Today, we're diving into an exciting topic - the difference between real and fake dopamine. Understanding this can have a profound impact on your parenting, goal-setting, and overall well-being. Let's explore how to har...
💝English 奨学金特典付💝Part2クィーンズランド州立大学のゲスト「キャンパスライフ&留学成功のアドバイス」〜Podcast Vol169: Campus life at The University of Queensland (There...
Welcome to another episode about The University of Queensland! I'm Sayuri. I hope you will enjoy the English and Japanese bilingual version about the campus life in Brisbane! This second episode is so much fun! Mr. Tom Lo from UQ and I will share our own experiences when we were studying there ...
💝In English 奨学金特典付💝クィーンズランド州立大学からゲストをお迎えしてキャンパスライフをPart1〜Podcast Vol168: Campus life at The University of Queensland...
Hello and welcome everyone to another episode of "Shine who you are for the world with global communication!" I'm your host Sayuri. Today we have an exciting episode lined up for you!
Today's guest is Mr. Tom Lo who will be introducing campus life at The University of Queensla...
【やる気を引き出す】英語が苦手 or 子供が乗り気でない場合のポイントは?Podcast Vol167: How can you make yourself and your...
Hi everyone! Today's topic is about learning English! Such a simple topic for someone who can speak English already but it's really a big and deep topic for us! Also, there's always some room to improve your language and communication skills no matter what level you are currently ...
【海外でのハプニング時】マナーをもって対応する英語フレーズ(オーストラリア便りPart4)~Podcast Vo166: Deal with emergencies gracefully in English.
Hi everyone! I hope you've been enjoying Australian trip series as much as I do! I will introduce some more in the future! Today, I will talk about how to deal with happenings and emergencies during your trip gracefully and pick up some English phrases that I used so my Japanese listeners can i...
【オーストラリア便り2024】おすすめのカフェ・グルメ(メルボルン編) PART3~PODCAST VOL165 CAFES AND RESTAURANTS IN Melbourne
Hi everyone! Today's episode is a part of the series of how to enjoy restaurants and cafes in Australia! We usually talk about how to improve ourselves, our life, our communication skill and parenting skill on this show but I think there shouldn't be too much of them because it's...
【オーストラリア便り2024】おすすめのカフェ・グルメ(ブリスベン編) Part2~Podcast Vol164 Cafes and restaurants in Brisbane
Hello everyone! Welcome to the show again! I hope you are feeling great and peaceful no matter what you are going through. A lot of people and businesses who my company has been supporting have achieved amazing goals this summer! I am a little tired after the hard work but am feeling so great! I hop...
【オーストラリア便り2024】最新情報でオンリーワンのチャンスを掴もう①〜物価・為替レート・移住・教育事情など Podcast Vol163 Updates from Australia
Hi everyone! I hope you are all having a great summer!!!
What is your highlight and story of your summer?
As I have posted on my social medias, I spent the most beautiful summer which is winter in Australia. It's been decades since I've traveled by myself!!! When I arrived at Brisbane, i...
【日本魅力と明るい日本の未来】グローバル社会の第一線からのメッセージ PART3〜Podcast Vol162: Guest Speaker Trade Investment Queensland commissioner talks about...
Welcome back! I have been inviting a special guest from Trade Investment Queensland! Mr Adachi has been the commissioner there for 20 years and has shared so many ideas and tips about successful global communication so far! On this last interview episode, we will talk about the bright future of ...