【海外でのハプニング時】マナーをもって対応する英語フレーズ(オーストラリア便りPart4)~Podcast Vo166: Deal with emergencies gracefully in English.

Hi everyone! I hope you've been enjoying Australian trip series as much as I do! I will introduce some more in the future! Today, I will talk about how to deal with happenings and emergencies during your trip gracefully and pick up some English phrases that I used so my Japanese listeners can i...

【オーストラリア便り2024】おすすめのカフェ・グルメ(メルボルン編) PART3~PODCAST VOL165 CAFES AND RESTAURANTS IN Melbourne

Hi everyone! Today's episode is a part of the series of how to enjoy restaurants and cafes in Australia! We usually talk about how to improve ourselves, our life, our communication skill and parenting skill on this show but I think there shouldn't be too much of them because  it's...

【オーストラリア便り2024】おすすめのカフェ・グルメ(ブリスベン編) Part2~Podcast Vol164 Cafes and restaurants in Brisbane

Hello everyone! Welcome to the show again! I hope you are feeling great and peaceful no matter what you are going through. A lot of people and businesses who my company has been supporting have achieved amazing goals this summer! I am a little tired after the hard work but am feeling so great! I hop...

【オーストラリア便り2024】最新情報でオンリーワンのチャンスを掴もう①〜物価・為替レート・移住・教育事情など Podcast Vol163 Updates from Australia

Hi everyone! I hope you are all having a great summer!!! What is your highlight and story of your summer? As I have posted on my social medias, I spent the most beautiful summer which is winter in Australia. It's been decades since I've traveled by myself!!! When I arrived at Brisbane, i...

【日本魅力と明るい日本の未来】グローバル社会の第一線からのメッセージ PART3〜Podcast Vol162: Guest Speaker Trade Investment Queensland commissioner talks about...

Welcome back! I have been inviting a special guest from Trade Investment Queensland! Mr Adachi has been the commissioner there for 20 years and has shared so many ideas and tips about successful global communication so far! On this last interview episode, we will talk about the bright future of ...

【グローバルキャリア・教育で成功と失敗を左右するポイント】グローバル社会の第一線で20年!クイーンズランド州政府日本代表安達様をゲストに Part2〜PODCAST VOL161: GUEST SPEAKER TRADE INVESTMENT QUEENSLAND COMMISSIONER MR ADACHI...

Welcome back, everyone! I'm so glad that you are here with me to invite a special guest again! His name is Mr Tak Adachi who has been the commissioner at Trade Investment Queensland for 20 years! I personally loved our conversation so much because there are so many secrets and tips about hi...

【グローバル社会の第一線で20年ご活躍の秘訣 Part1】クイーンズランド州政府日本代表安達様をゲストに〜Podcast Vol160: Guest Speaker Trade Investment Queensland Commissioner Mr Adachi...

Hello everyone! Welcome to the show! My name is Sayuri! Today's episode is very special! I've invited a special guest who I truly admire and I've known him for many years. His name is Mr Tak Adachi who has been the commissioner for TIQ which stands for Trade Investment Queensland for ...

【誤解が理解に変わる】5つの英語ライティングスキル(IELTS導入編)~Podcast Vol159 : 5 English Writing skills to shift from ‘misunderstanding’...

Hi everyone! Welcome again! I will talk about 5 English writing skills to shift from 'misunderstanding' to 'understanding' for all the levels today! 🎧Podcast Vol159 【誤解が理解に変わる】5つの英語ライティングスキル(IELTS導入編) というテーマで、Sayuriがお届けしていきます。 グローバルなお仕事の現場で、例えば新しい企業同士・人同士を紹介する時に、仕事力...

【脳の可能性】マインドフルネスで直感力をアップ!アファメーションで新しい自分に!(後半)〜Podcast Vol158 ”THE POTENTIAL OF OUR BRAINS” PASS DOWN OUR HOPE...

Hi everyone! 今日は、「脳の可能性」についての後半エピソードをお届けします! 🎧Podcast Vol157(前半) 【脳の可能性】新しい人生を切り拓く希望を次世代へプレゼントしよう! 〜"The potential of our brains" Pass down our hope for the next generation! 📝Point1 【脳の特徴】「新しいことは脳が拒否をしたがる」と知っておくと楽になる ~ Your brain tend to avoid new things! 📝Point2 脳は書き換えることができ...

【脳の可能性】新しい人生を切り拓く希望を次世代へプレゼントしよう〜Podcast Vol157 “The potential of our brains” Pass down our hope...

Hi everyone! It's been very hot and humid here in Japan and I felt like Mexican the other day after my hard work. I really enjoyed but because I've been talking to many students, I'm very worried about the climate change and the future of our generation. When I talk to Australian gove...

保護中: 【Junior英語コース】ホリディの過ごし方シークレットアイディア💡

Hello everyone! I'm so so so proud of everyone of Sayurisense Inc. Junior course students!!!! Thank you for trusting Sayurisense Inc. and I truly believe in YOUR and YOUR CHILD's ability and possibilities🥂 Junior英語コースの皆さん、日々の取り組み、お疲れ様です☕️ 英語は忍耐が必要な中で、日頃のUP&DOWNに一喜一憂せずに忍耐強く取り組...

【1分間でワンランク上の英語雑談力を】英検を題材に英語スピーキング力をUP〜Podcast Vol156: Improve English speaking with the power of small talks!

Hi everyone! We are starting the second half of this year!!! I hope today's episode will make you smile and improve the quality of your life! Let's have a beautiful time together! 皆さん、こんにちは!今年も後半がスタートしましたね!梅雨のジメジメしたお天気が、体調に影響していませんか?体を労わりながら、楽しい夏の準備をしていきましょう。今年の後半は、自己成長できるトピックを配信したいなと思っ...