💝English 奨学金特典付💝Part2クィーンズランド州立大学のゲスト「キャ...
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【健全な社会を一緒に🌸アカデミー賞スピーチ2025②】〜🎧Podcast Vol...
【ポジティブ心理学】幸せ力⑥成績・学力(能力)が伸びる考え方は?~ Podcast Vol120 “Positive Psychology” What kind of Mind-set can improve...
Hi everyone! This is the 6th episode of our Well-being series and today's focus is "Growth Mind-set"! How can you improve the level of your achievement? Which mind-set will help you success? How can you raise your children to be able to improve their academic skills as well as oth...
【NEWポジティブ心理学】幸せ力⑤「成績・学力と3種類のモチベーション」の関係~Podcast Vol119:”Positive Psychology” What are the 4 types of motivation? What...
Hi everyone, today we'll be thinking about 4 types of motivation! What kind of motivation is wrong and which one is real? What really works for you and your children?
皆さん、こんにちは!今回は、サユリセンス でもレッスンやコンサルテーションで活用している考え方で、「成績・学力とモチベーションの関係」をご紹介いたします。
Podcast Vol118 【ポジティブ心理学】
【NEWポジティブ心理学】幸せ力④「成績・学力と幸せ」の関係〜PODCAST VOL118:”Positive psychology” Good school grades make you happy?
Hi, today we will be thinking about the well-being and school grades! Sometimes we misunderstand wrong things as our happiness. What happens when it comes down to school grades! Good grades make you happy?
【NEWポジティブ心理学】幸せ力③女性の永遠のテーマ 「パーフェクトBODY・美と幸せ」の関係]〜Podcast Vol117 “POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY” Can you be happy when you...
"The most important thing is to enjoy your life
to be happy.
It's all that matters!"
By Audrey Hepburn
By オードリー・ヘプバーン
メルボルンより〜【海外でのリスク対応】困った時のトラベル英語10フレーズ②(フライト・ホテル・ショッピング・体調など)~Podcast Vol116 How to deal with risks and trouble in English...
Hello! I'm sharing some English phrases to use for my Japanese listeners while traveling!
🎧Podcast Vol116
〜How to deal with risks and troubles in English while traveling.
【海外でのリスク対応】困った時のトラベル英語10フレーズ①(フライト・ホテル・ショッピング・体調など)~Podcast Vol115 How to deal with risks and trouble in...
Hi everyone! When I was talking with my Australian friends and partners, I often feel that some of them don't have strong Australian accents and they speak neutral English. I asked them why and how they got their neutral accents? How about you? Do you have any preference or opinions about Engli...
【オーストラリア便り2023】留学・インフレ・地球温暖化・新しい生き方など最新情報〜Podcast Vol114:The latest information about international students, inflation, global warming, and...
Hi everyone! I spent a few weeks in Australia with my sons again! Didn't waste even a minute while I was there and this trip was one of my best memories of Australia because each moment was such a beautiful moment! At the same time, I became concerned about the warm winter. I will be sharing so...
【NEWポジティブ心理学】幸せ力②2つの幸せなお金との付き合い方研究データ~Podcast Vol113 “Positive Psychology” What is a happy way to deal...
Hope you enjoy this Podcast series "True Happiness".
Podcast Vol112 幸せ力① 収入とお金(研究データ)
Podcast Vol113 幸せ力② 2つの幸せなお金との付き合い方(研究データ)
Podcast Vol117 幸せ力③ 「パーフェクトBODY・美と幸せ」の関係
Podcast Vol118 幸せ力④「成績・学力と幸せ」の関係
Podcast Vol119 幸せ力⑤「成績・学力とモチベーション」の関係
【Newポジティブ心理学】幸せ力①幸せを感じるお金の付き合い方研究データ〜Podcast Vol112:”Positive Psychology” How much income makes you happy?
【English 日本とオーストラリアの教育の違い】2つの国で仕事・子育てをするということ(後半)~Podcast Vol111 The difference of education systems between Japan and...
Hi everyone! It has been very hot and humid in Japan! I hope all is well with you!
Today again, I will have an Australian lady Ms. Athena Matsuda again as a guest to talk about what it's like to live, work and raise children in two countries and we will focus on the relationship of two count...
保護中: 【Q&A】英語教育プロコース&Junior英語コース
Thank you so much for your beautiful questions!!!!
【英語インタビュー(English)】2つの国で子育て・仕事をするということ〜Podcast Vol110: What it’s like to live, work and raise children...
Hi everyone, I am very happy to share this English interview today! Many of my friends and my sons' friends have 2 or more roots in Japan and other countries. It is an exciting thing but at the same time, sometimes life gets very complicated if you don't plan well. Today I invited my own A...